Memorial Location

Looking like they are coming home from deployment, life size bronze castings of soldiers will be the center piece of the monument. Our central figure draws inspiration from Air Force Sgt Tara Brown fallen in Afghanistan in 2011, our central figure is smiling and flashing thumbs-up, happy to be home. The second statue draws inspiration from two fallen service members: Daytona’s Anthony Davis fallen in Iraq, 2009, and Sgt Tulsa Tuliau, late of New York, fallen in Iraq 2005.

To the viewer’s right with helmet off, our symbolic third service member – breathing out – is relieved to be home. Additionally, facing our 3 returning service members, are a civilian adult parent and 2 children symbolic of all Families of the Fallen, together with all of us, welcoming them home.

A wall behind the 3 service members will form the backdrop to provide separation from the surrounding landscape and possibly house an eternal flame. We anticipate some type of water feature that will highlight the area and provide a visual separation between the family statues and the soldier statues.